Basic Calculations

Aim: 2.1 Write a program to convert the Celcius to Farenheit. {F=( C*1.8 )+32}


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    float c,f;

    printf("Enter Temperature in Celcius : ");



    printf("\nTemperature in Fahrenheit : %f",f);


Output screenshot:

Aim: 2.2 Write a program to calculate simple interest (i = (p*r*n)/100 )

i = Simple interest

p = Principal amount

r = Rate of interest

n = Number of years 


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int n;

    float p, r, i

    printf("Enter Principle amount p : ");


    printf("\nEnter Rate of interest r : ")


    printf("\nEnter Number of Years n : ");


    i = (p*r*n)/100;

    printf("\nSimple Interest = %f",i);

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 2.3 Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5)

a = area

h = height

b = base


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    float base, hight, area;

    printf("Enter base of the triangle : ");

    scanf("%f", &base);

    printf("Enter hight of the triangle : ");

    scanf("%f", &hight);


    printf("Area of the triangle = %.2f", area);

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 2.4 Write a C program to find out distance travelled by the equation d = ut + at^2


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     float u,a,d;

     int t;

     printf("Enter the value of a : ");


     printf("\nEnter the value of u : ");


     printf("\nEnter the value of t : ");


     d = (u*t)+(a*t*t)/2;

     printf("\nThe Distance : %.2f",d);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 2.5 Write a c program to prepare pay slip using following data.

Da = 10% of basic, Hra = 7.50% of basic, Ma = 300,

Pf = 12.50% of basic, Gross = basic + Da + Hra + Ma, Nt = Gross – Pf.



int main()


     float basic;

     printf("Enter Basic Salary : ");


     printf("\nSALARY SLIP");


     printf("\nBasic : %.2f",basic);

     printf("\nDA : %.2f",basic*0.10);

     printf("\nHRA : %.2f",basic*0.075);

     printf("\nMA : %.2f",300.00);

     printf("\nPF : %.2f",basic*0.125);

     printf("\nGROSS : %.2f",basic+(basic*0.10)+(basic*0.075)+300.00);

     printf("\nNET : %.2f",(basic+(basic*0.10)+(basic*0.075)+300.00)-(basic*0.125));

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

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