PPS Unit 8 Important Programs

 Unit 8 - Structure

8.1 - Write a program in c using structure to enter roll no, marks of the three subjects for 3 students and find total obtained by each student. [S-15]

#include <stdio.h>

struct Marks 


    int roll_no;

    char name[30];

    float sub1_marks, sub2_marks, sub3_marks;


int main() 


    struct Marks marks[5];

    for(int i=1; i<4; i++)


printf("Student %d\n",i);

        printf("Enter roll no. : ");

        scanf("%d", &marks[i].roll_no);

        printf("Enter name : ");


        printf("Enter Subject1 marks : ");

        scanf("%f", &marks[i].sub1_marks);

        printf("Enter Subject2 marks : ");

        scanf("%f", &marks[i].sub2_marks);

        printf("Enter Subject3 marks : ");

        scanf("%f", &marks[i].sub3_marks);


    for(int i=1; i<4; i++) 


    printf("Student %d\n",i);

    float total = (marks[i].sub1_marks + marks[i].sub2_marks + marks[i].sub3_marks);

    printf("Total : %f\n", total);


    return 0;


8.2 - Define a structure named “Student” with roll_no, name and percentage as members. Read data of 5 students from user and display them in proper format. [W-13]

8.3 - Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information: a. Player name b. Team name c. Batting average [W-17]




struct cricket


    char pname[20];

    char tname[20];

    float bavg;


int main()


    struct cricket s[5],t;

    int i,j,n=5;

    float p;

    printf("\nEnter data of %d players\n",n);



        printf("\nEnter PName TName BAvg for player-%d = ",i+1);

        scanf("%s %s %f",s[i].pname,s[i].tname,&p);















    printf("\nAfter teamwise sorting... Player list is ");



        printf("\n%-20s %-20s %.2f",s[i].pname,s[i].tname,s[i].bavg);



    return 0;


8.4 - Define a structure data type called time_struct containing three member’s integer hours, minutes, second. Develop a program that would assign values to individual member and display the time in following format : HH:MM:SS [W-18]

#include <stdio.h>

struct time_struct


    int hour;

    int minute;

    int second;


int main(void)


    printf("\n Enter Hour : ");


    printf("\n Enter Minute: ");


    printf("\n Enter Second : ");


    printf("\n Time %d:%d:%d",t.hour%24,t.minute%60,t.second%60);

    return 0;


8.5 - Define a structure “personal” that would contain person name, date of joining and salary. Using this structure read information of 5 people and print the same on screen. Also display sum of salary of all 5 people. [S-20]

#include <stdio.h>

struct personal


    char name[20];

    char doj[10];

    float salary;


int main(void) 


    int i=1;



        printf("\nEnter Person Name : ");


        printf("Enter Person Date of Joining (dd-mm-yyyy) : ");


        printf("Enter Person Salary : ");





        printf("\nPerson %d Detail",i);

        printf("\nName   = %s",p[i].name);

        printf("\nDOJ    = %s",p[i].doj);

        printf("\nSalary = %.2f",p[i].salary);



        float sum = (p[1].salary + p[2].salary + p[3].salary + p[4].salary + p[5].salary);

    printf("\n\nSum of salary : %f\n", sum);


    return 0;


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