Basic Input-Output Programs

Aim 1.1: Write a program to display “GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY” on the screen.



int main()



    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.2: Write a program which accepts a character from the keyboard and Display its ASCII code.



int main() 

    char c; 

    printf("Enter a character: "); 

    scanf("%c", &c); 

    printf("ASCII value of %c = %d", c, c); 

    return 0; 


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.3: Write a program that reads two numbers from the keyboard and gives their addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulo.



int main() 

    int a,b; 

    printf("Enter First Number : "); 


    printf("\nEnter Second Number : "); 


    printf("\nAddition of %d & %d is : %d", a, b, a+b); 

    printf("\nSubtraction of %d & %d is : %d", a, b, a-b); 

    printf("\nMultiplication of %d & %d is : %d", a, b, a*b); 

    printf("\nDivision of %d & %d is : %d", a, b, a/b); 

    printf("\nModulo of %d & %d is : %d", a, b, a%b); 

    return 0; 


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.4: Write a program to convert days into months and days.



int main () 

    int months, days; 

    printf("Enter days : "); 

    scanf("%d", &days); 

    months = days/30; 

    days = days%30; 

    printf("Months = %d & Days = %d", months, days); 

     return 0; 


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.5:  The Distance between two cities (in Km.) is input through keyboard. Write a program to convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and centimetres.



int main()


    float km, m, cm, feet, inch;

    printf("Enter distance in kilometers: ");


    m = 1000 * km;

    cm = 1000 * 100 * km;

    feet = 3280.84 * km;

    inch = 39370.08 * km; 

    printf("The distance in Feet: %f\n",  feet);

    printf("The distance in Inches: %f\n", inch);

    printf("The distance in Meters: %f\n", m);

    printf("The distance in Centimeters: %f\n", cm);     

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.6: Write a program to swap (interchange) values of two variables with and without using a third variable.



int main() 

    int a, b, temp; 

    printf("Enter first number: "); 


    printf("Enter second number: "); 


    printf("\nBefore swapping first number = %d & second number = %d",a,b); 




    printf("\nAfter swapping first number = %d & second number = %d",a,b); 

    return 0; 


Output screenshot:

Aim 1.7: Write a program to swap (interchange) values of two variables with and without using a third variable.



int main() 

    int a,b; 

    printf("Enter first number: "); 


    printf("Enter second number: "); 


    printf("\nBefore swapping first number = %d & second number = %d",a,b); 




    printf("\nAfter swapping first number = %d & second number = %d",a,b); 

    return 0; 


Output screenshot:


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