Control Structure

Aim: 3.1 Write a C program to find that the accepted number is Negative, or Positive or Zero.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     int x;

     printf("Enter the number x : ");


     if (x > 0)

     printf("%d is positive.",x);

     else if (x < 0)

     printf("%d is negative.",x);

     else if (x == 0)

     printf("%d is zero.",x);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.2 Write a program to read marks of a student from the keyboard whether the student is pass or fail(using if else).



int main()


     int marks;

     printf("Enter Marks : ");




         printf("\nYou are Fail");




         printf("\nCongratulation You are Pass");


     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.3 Write a program to read three numbers from the keyboard and find the maximum out of these three. (nested if else)


#include <stdio.h>

int main() 


     double n1, n2, n3;

     printf("Enter three different numbers : ");

     scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3);

     if (n1>=n2 && n1>=n3)

     printf("%.2f is the largest number.",n1);

     if (n2>=n1 && n2>=n3)

     printf("%.2f is the largest number.",n2);

     if (n3>=n1 && n3>=n2)

     printf("%.2f is the largest number.",n3);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.4 Write a C program to check whether the entered character is capital, small letter, digit or any special character.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char ch;

    printf("Enter any character : ");


    if(ch>='A' && ch<='Z')

    printf("Entered character is upper case character");

    else if(ch>='a' && ch<='z')

    printf("Entered character is lower case character");

    else if(ch>='0' && ch<='9')

    printf("Entered character is digit");


    printf("Entered character is special character");

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.5 Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display equivalent grade according to following table(if else ladder)

Marks Grade

100 - 80 Distinction

79 - 60 First Class

59 - 40 Second Class

< 40 Fail


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     int marks;

     printf("Enter Marks between 0-100 : ");


     if(marks>100 || marks<0)


         printf("Your Input is out of Range");


     else if(marks>=80)


         printf("You got Distinction.");


     else if(marks>=60)


     printf("You got First Class.");


     else if(marks>=40)


         printf("You got Second Class.");




         printf("You got Fail.");


     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.6 Write a C program to read no 1 to 7 and print relatively day Sunday to Saturday.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     int day;

     printf("Enter number between 1-7 : ");


     switch (day)


         case 1:



         case 2:



         case 3:



         case 4:



         case 5:



         case 6:



         case 7:




         printf("Invalid input");


     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.7 Write a C program to find out the Maximum and Minimum number from given 10 numbers.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() 


    int a[10],i,min,max;



        printf("Enter Interger Value %d : ",i+1);


















    printf("\nMinimum number : %d",min);

    printf("\nMaximum number : %d",max);

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.8 Write a C program to input an integer number and check the last digit of number is even or odd.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     int a,n;

     printf("Enter number : ");




     printf("\nlast digit of number %d is %d & it is even",a,n);


     printf("\nlast digit of number %d is %d & it is odd",a,n);


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.9 Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int n,fact=1;

    printf("Enter Number to find its Factorial : ");







     printf("\nFactorial of entered number is : %d",fact);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.10 Write a program to reverse a number.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int n, rev = 0, remainder;

    printf("Enter a number : ");


    while (n!= 0) 


        remainder = n % 10;

        rev = rev * 10 + remainder;

        n = n/10;


    printf("Reversed number = %d",rev);

    return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.11 Write a program to find out the sum of the first and last digit of a given number.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


     int num, sum=0, firstDigit, lastDigit;

     printf("Enter any number : ");


     lastDigit = num % 10;

     firstDigit = num;

     while(num >= 10)


         num = num / 10;


     firstDigit = num;

     sum = firstDigit + lastDigit;

     printf("Sum of first and last digit = %d",sum);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.12 Write a program to calculate average and total of 5 students for 3 subjects (use nested for loops)



int main()


     int student=0,sum=0,marks=0,sub;




         printf("\nEnter Marks for Student - %d\n",student+1);



             printf("Subject%d Marks - ",sub+1);




         printf("\nFor Student - %d : ",student+1);

         printf("\nSum = %d",sum);

         printf("\nAverage = %.2f\n",((float)sum)/sub);


     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.13 Read five persons height and weight and count the number of person having height greater than 170 and weight less than 50. 



int main()


     int person,height,weight,count=0;



         printf("\nEnter Detail of Person - %d",person+1);

         printf("\nEnter Height : ");


         printf("Enter Weight : ");










     printf("\nTotal Person having Height > 170 and Weight < 50 : %d",count);

     return 0;


Output screenshot:

Aim: 3.14 Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() 


     int n, i, flag = 0;

     printf("Enter a positive integer: ");












         printf("1 is neither prime nor composite.");





         printf("%d is a prime number.",n);


         printf("%d is not a prime number.",n);


     return 0;


Output screenshot:

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