Programs using Functions

Aim: 8.1 Write a program that defines a function to add first n numbers.


#include <stdio.h>

void main()


    int i, num, sum = 0;

    printf("\nEnter an integer number : ");

    scanf ("%d", &num);

    for (i = 1; i <= num; i++)


        sum = sum + i;


    printf ("\nSum of first %d natural numbers = %d\n", num, sum);


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Aim: 8.2 Write a function in the program to return 1 if the number is prime otherwise return 0.



int prime_num(int);

void main()


    int n,result=0;

    printf("\n Enter One Number : ");



    if( result==0)


        printf("\n %d is prime number. ",n);




        printf("\n %d is not prime number. ",n);



int prime_num(int a)


    int i;









            return 1;



    return 0;


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Aim: 8.3 Write a function Exchange to interchange the values of two variables, say x and y. illustrate the use of this function in a calling function.




void exchange(int x,int y);

int main()


    int x,y;

    printf("\nEnter two numbers : \n");


    printf("\nBefore Exchange x = %d and y = %d",x,y);




void exchange(int x,int y)


    int z;




    printf("\nAfter Exchange x = %d and y = %d",x,y);


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Aim: 8.4 Write a C program to use recursive calls to evaluate 

F(x) = x – x^3 / 3! + x^5 / 5 ! – x^7 / 7! +... x^n / n!.




float rec_call(int,int);

int fact(int);

int main()


    int n,x;

    float sum=0;

    printf("\nEnter Value of X : ");


    printf("\nEnter no of iteration : ");


    sum = rec_call(x,n);

    printf("\nSum = %f",sum);

    return 0;


float rec_call(int x,int n)


    static float sum;


    return sum+x;



        sum =sum -((pow(x,(2*n)-1)*1.0)/fact((2*n)-1));




    sum =sum +((pow(x,(2*n)-1)*1.0)/fact((2*n)-1));




int fact(int n)



    return 1;

    return n*fact(n-1);


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Aim: 8.5 Write a function that will scan a character string passed as an argument and convert all lowercase characters into their uppercase equivalents.


#include <stdio.h>

void UpperCase(char *);

int main(void) 


     char str[50];

     printf("Enter a String : ");



     printf("String in Upper Case : %s",str);

     return 0;


void UpperCase(char *ch)


     int i=0;



          if(ch[i]>='a' && ch[i]<='z')







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Aim: 8.6 Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion.



long int multiplyNumbers(int n);

int main()


    int n;

    printf("Enter a positive integer : ");


    printf("Factorial of %d = %ld", n, multiplyNumbers(n));

    return 0;


long int multiplyNumbers(int n)


    if (n>=1)

    return n*multiplyNumbers(n-1);


    return 1;


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